Trinity Goes Virtual Starting Christmas Eve

Due to growing concerns about the uptick in coronavirus (COVID-19) cases, your church council voted last week to close our church for all worship services and activities at least through the end of January 2021.

The church office will remain open and Pastor Hess will be available as usual as we work together to deal with this situation. We will once again be live streaming our worship service Sunday mornings at 9:30AM on Facebook Live. The service will also be available here and on YouTube later in the day. As a reminder, you can support your church 24/7/365 at or via the app (available in the App Store or Google Play).

Be sure to join us for our live Christmas Eve service, this Thursday at 6PM on Facebook. It will be able later in the evening here on our website.

Pastor Hess and your church council will continue to stay on top of the situation and, as conditions change, we will strive to make the best decisions for our entire Trinity family. May God bless us all and keep our families and friends safe and healthy through the challenging days ahead.


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